IST's Media Collection

The pictures and videos below are from the tele-robotics and tele-surgery projects that Dr. Ghodoussi led at Computer Motion (prior to Intuitive Surgical acquiring it). This technology allows expert surgeons miles away to use telecommunication and medical robots, to deliver surgical care and assist the less experienced surgeon at the patient side to learn, while providing excellent care to their patients.


Historic tele-surgery 09/07/2001

Historic tele-surgery 02/28/2003
Video of medical breakthrough of the year 2001 where Dr. Jacques Marescaux (pictured) operating from New York, removed his patient's gallbladder while she was in Strassbourg, France. Video of world class surgeon, Dr. Anvari, assisting and guiding the local surgeon using tele-surgery system developed by Dr. Ghodoussi.
On the left, view of the Dr. Marescaux and Dr. Gagner in New York performing the historic tele-surgery on September 7, 2001 - On the right, view of Dr. Anvari in Hamilton, ON performing the historic tele-surgery on Feb. 28, 2003
Dr. Anvari during a practice session. Dr. Ghodoussi participating in the clinical evaluation of the tele-surgery prototype in July 2001

On Sept. 7, 2001 medical staff observe the robots, follow the surgeon commands from New York, operating on their patient.
Feb. 28, 2003, local surgeon Dr. McKinley, performing a Nissen Fundopplication on his patient in North Bay, ON, is assisted by Dr. Anvari controlling the robotic arms from Hamilton, ON - 250 miles away.
Tele-surgery in Canada makes the cover of Computable magazine








See patent #6,785,593 issued in the field of tele-robotic surgery


Read MedMarket's September issue article on Tele-Surgery authored by Dr. Ghodoussi